Recognition and Legal Protection of Stable Homosexual Relationships are Human RightsGradient Overlay

Recognition and Legal Protection of Stable Homosexual Relationships are Human Rights

Protection of Homosexual Relations

By Grégor Puppinck9 years ago

The ECHR condemned Italy for not giving a status to homosexual couples. Judging through a progressive interpretation of the very content of the Convention instead of through the application of said Convention to the evolution of society, the Court of Strasbourg created a new conventional right to recognition and legal protection of stable homosexual relationships.

ECHR, 21 July 2015, cases 18766/11 and 36030/11, Oliari and others v. Italy.

Article published in French in the Revue Lamy de Droit Civil (RLDC), n° 132, December 2015, p. 33.


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