How the ECHR is Destroying Marriage and Family

video available in French only.

The latest decision of the European Court of Human Rights condemning France caused a great stir: “marital duty” is contrary to sexual freedom and the right to bodily autonomy.

For this reason, the Court condemned France, which still grants divorce on the grounds of fault against a spouse who would definitly refuse to have intimate relations with their partner.

This decision was obviously welcomed by the intelligentsia eager for “empowerment” and “sexual freedom.” In reality, it marks the almost complete deconstruction of civil marriage, which today no longer has any clear purpose, no longer offers any guarantee of duration or protection...

In this new video, Grégor Puppinck discusses this case and the systematic deconstruction of marriage and the family desired by the European Court.

Case H.W. v. France (no. 13805/21).



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