Abortion and the European Convention on Human RightsGradient Overlay

Abortion and the European Convention on Human Rights

Abortion and the EConv.HR

By Grégor Puppinck1374026760000

On July 17th 2013, Grégor Puppinck, PhD, Director of the ECLJ published a 50 page study on “Abortion and the European Convention on Human Rights”, in the Irish Journal of Legal Studies, Vol 3 (2).

The purpose of this study is to present in an objective, complete and coherent manner the status of abortion under the European Convention on Human Rights. In recent years, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled on a number of cases related to abortion. These rulings provide a sufficient corpus of jurisprudence which may be analysed in a consistent manner. A number of analysts, on both sides of the abortion debate, are not satisfied with this case-law. It is often said that it is hard to find coherency in the case-law of the Court when it touches upon sensitive matters. This study aims not to discuss each ruling of the Court, but to try to find the coherency of the jurisprudence of the Court, and in doing so, to present a reasoned legal account of abortionunder the Convention.

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