The “Les Hijabeuses” collective, founded in 2020, is calling for women footballers to be allowed to wear the Islamic veil in competition. The Fédération Française de Football (FFF), which statutes contain a “neutrality of sport” clause, does not allow this. An appeal by the “Hijabeuses” was rejected by the Conseil d'État on June 29, 2023, on the grounds that the ban on the Islamic veil for european soccer was “necessary to ensure a smooth game, in particular by preventing any confrontation unrelated to sport”.

The collective then lodged an application with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) against France, alleging a violation of its freedom of religion. The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), as an expert in freedom of religion, was authorized by the ECHR to intervene in the case as a third party. We submitted our written observations to the ECHR on October 14, 2024 (in French only).

These observations show that “Les Hijabeuses” have Islamist objectives and methods. In particular, the ECLJ analyzed their “social pyromaniac” strategy, disturbing public order. We also pointed out that women's soccer uniforms in most Muslim-majority countries do not include Islamic veils: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Palestine, Pakistan... Only the most Islamist countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, require a hijab when playing soccer.

Furthermore, it is not contrary to freedom of religion to impose a dress code for sporting competitions. It's even essential when the sport is team-based. The FFF does allow a few adjustments: accessories are authorized to cover the head. Examples include bandanas and hats. It is therefore possible for women footballers to cover their heads in the Western style. The Hijabeuses reject this possibility. This shows that their objective is not just moral or religious, but political and civilizational.

For more on this topic, read our previous articles:

The European Court of Human Rights Upholds Ban on Visible Religious Symbols for Belgian Students

What is Exactly the Problem with the Abaya Ban in French Schools?

Discrepancies between the ECHR and the UN on the French burka ban


Rational Criticism of Islam Must be Protected in Europe
Read the full text of the petition


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