Grégor Puppinck at the Spanish Senate: Orienting Society Towards the Culture of Life

ECLJ Director Grégor Puppinck addresses the Spanish Senate at the 6th Summit of the Political Network for Values, December 1-2, 2024.

English Translation:

Orienting society towards a culture of life means more than just preventing abortion and euthanasia by law. For the real cause of the culture of death goes deeper: it's society's moral depression. The culture of death is the fruit of atheism and materialism. It is the desperate will to power. Orienting society towards a culture of life means first and foremost restoring its vitality: the joy and pride of existence. It means bringing society out of its moral depression.

We need to act on three levels, in order of importance

Activism, politics, and religion.

  1. Fight the architects of the culture of death

We must fight. We all know that in this room. We are all fighters here. Thanks to Lola and the Political Network for Values for bringing us together in Madrid. It's a joy to be together.

We must fight the culture of death lobby at every level, in every institution. In parliaments, in the courts, at the UN, etc.

Fighting the culture of death is not just about fighting Planned Parenthood and the Ford, Rokefeller, Soros, Gates and Buffet foundations. We must also fight those who want to debase life, those who want to make life ugly and sad: those who promote despair, drugs, prostitution, pornography, and bad sex education. Yet these are the same foundations that promote abortion and euthanasia.

We fight this battle for life in our institutions, in Geneva, Strasbourg, New York, Brussels, Washington, San José, and elsewhere, like soldiers on a battlefield. But that's not enough: we need to look further ahead, and commit ourselves to ensuring that society is once again conquered by the culture of life. This is the second, truly political level of action.

  1. Political action: we must love life and believe in our destiny

The people of Europe are having no more children, because they've lost their taste for life and no longer believe in their future, in their destiny.

The real problem is that the people of Europe have become depressed; that's the main problem: they no longer believe in their future. Too many Europeans are resigned to demographic suicide and replacement by immigration.

Today's culture of life demands that we reverse this terrible depression. We need to give the people of Europe a taste for life and a vision of their future.

I see two conditions for this:

Firstly, we must love life, and secondly, we must believe in our destiny.

Loving life. This seems obvious, but there's a huge amount of work to be done, especially with young people who have grown up in a sinister culture. We need to say over and over again that life is magnificent, and that the world is splendid. We need to cultivate life, culture and joy.

The second condition for fighting the depression of the European people is to believe in our future, in our destiny.

A people that is ashamed of its past and no longer believes in its destiny is already out of history.

Conversely, the “migrants” who cross Africa and the Mediterranean at the risk of their lives have immense strength, because they must fight to live and believe in their destiny. Among them, Muslim immigrants to Europe know why they have children: they believe their future lies in conquering Europe. Even if they're poor, they know why they have children.

The same is true of the Jewish people, who survive and endure all hardships because they believe in their destiny, and they know why they have children.

It is in the dynamic of a collective, family, professional and national destiny that people become fruitful, that they achieve excellence. We need this vital dynamic.

To achieve it, we need political leaders capable of giving us a taste for life and a vision of our national destiny.

French President Emmanuel Macron, like other European leaders, has no children, and he doesn't believe that France, or even Europe, can still have a destiny of their own. He has renounced national destiny, and exchanged it for an illusion of a global future. But it's an illusion. Leaders like Macron haven't understood that they're the only ones living this globalist dream. Other peoples don't want to dissolve into the absurd atheism of Western globalization; they don't want to disappear. They still believe in their raison d'être. They are not ashamed of their history.

The opposite of Emmanuel Macron is Donald Trump: he embodies American vitality. He loves life with power, and that's why he defends it. Donald Trump's other strength is his ability to give Americans back their own destiny. He has convinced them and drawn them into the Make America Great Again dynamic.

Having these two strengths is essential, but it's still not enough, because man needs to surpass himself, to transcend himself. And it would be a mistake to forget this. The homeland is too narrow for man.

3. The third level of action: transcendence

Communists, socialists and neo-liberals have understood the power of this ideal of self-improvement, but they have turned it against the individual, the family, the nation, and the Church, in order to “liberate” man from them. This overcoming is presented as progress, but it is above all a destruction of the human condition.

Today we see the result of this “liberation”: it destroys man.

The scientistic and transhumanist dream is the other self-elevation of man that is now being proposed. But this too is an illusion.

Communist and scientistic dreams of self-improvement have in common the rejection of God and are disastrous alternatives to religion.

It is because people have turned away from religion that they have embraced these substitute ideologies, and it is for this reason too that they have become depressed. For an atheistic people who reject their past and refuse their destiny lead an absurd existence.

Once again, let's look at the Jewish people.

The Jewish people survive and get through all trials not only because they love life and believe in their destiny, but above all because they know that their destiny is linked to their faithfulness to their covenant with God.

Christians, too, have a Covenant with God; the peoples of Europe have been baptized and sanctified by countless saints. It is this Covenant with God - which is the source of all life - which is Life - that must be renewed.

Defending the culture of life means fighting criminal atheism, and restoring society's love of life, its confidence in its destiny and the breath of its soul.

Thank you very much.


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