Place an order for ECLJ's New Book: "Law and Prevention of Abortion in Europe"Gradient Overlay

Place an order for ECLJ's New Book: "Law and Prevention of Abortion in Europe"

Ordering "Prevention of Abortion"

By ECLJ1560426830187

The ECLJ is proud to present you with its new book, directed by Grégor Puppinck: "Law and Prevention of Abortion in Europe". This collaborative work was first published in French (see French version of that page) and is now available in English with updated chapters.

You can order it with Sallux Publishing here (25€).

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This book is the result of more than ten years of work by the ECLJ in the defence of life and Human dignity. It also serves as the groundwork for our future efforts.

The material contained in these pages exposes the social reality of abortion, answers some obvious objections, and outlines concrete propositions aimed at reducing recourse to abortion. Moreover, the authors strive to prompt thoughtful consideration of abortion from the perspective of prevention rather than as an abstract right, and to give the conceptual and legal bases for the prevention-based policies promoted therein.

This book attempts to be realistic and is focused on crafting legal proposals based on factual in-depth studies of the causes and consequences of abortion. The findings of this research provoke reconsideration of abortion as a social and public health problem for which a comprehensive solution focused on education and prevention is needed. Such a policy was in fact what Simone Veil was seeking when she publicly denied the existence of any “right” to abortion and declared it should be tolerated only as the last solution in a handful of specific circumstances. It is also how international and European laws still largely treat the issue, thus offering strong legal support for a prevention policy, and even for an explicit “right to life” for the unborn.

Against Mrs. Veils’ stated intention, abortion has slowly become not only a tolerated practice but an absolute freedom. This change of perspective has deep implications for all of society and has disrupted the legal order on more than just the question of birth regulation.  It has also affected other rights and principles, such as the prohibition of sexual and genetic discrimination, the right to life, freedom of conscience, and also freedom of speech and expression.

The central chapter of this book, “The Prevention of Abortion: Guaranteeing the Social Right Not to Abort” gives the bases for a policy of abortion prevention and proposes concrete measures in light of what has successfully been done in other countries. The situation of women can be improved, and the coherence of the law be restored, only by reestablishing abortion as a tragic and traumatic destruction of human life that ought to be prevented, and not exalted as a fundamental right. This is how several European countries have managed to significantly reduce recourse to abortion in their societies.

Here is a general presentation of the book.

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