Empowering Women: A Criticism of ContraceptionGradient Overlay

Empowering Women: A Criticism of Contraception

A Criticism of Contraception

By ECLJ1566984911906
On 27 June 2019, the ECLJ organized a conference at the Council of Europe on the theme: "Empowering women: a Criticism of contraception."

The aim of this event was to suggest a broader thinking on contraception, promoted as the fundamental instrument of women's emancipation to the detriment of their health and well-being.

The ECLJ presented a report, available here, in response to the text discussed in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, "Empowering women: promoting access to contraception in Europe" (Doc 14597, accessible here).

You can watch below all the speakers of the panel:

Introduction, by Bénédicte Colin :

Anne-Sixtine Pérardel, Conseillère en vie affective et sexuelle :

Professeur René Écochard, Chef du service de biostatistiques des Hospices de Lyon :

Call for a Policy of Prevention of Abortion
Read the full text of the petition


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