How to Protect Children & Adults from Pornography?

How to Protect People from Pornography

By ECLJ1699629000000

Over 110,000,000,000 porn videos were watched last year on the main pornographic website.

Thousands of dollars are spent every second to download pornographic content. 

Almost a third of all online searches are about pornography.

...All the statistics on online pornography consumption are staggering.

It is even more worrying when one knows the harsh consequences of spending so much time watching such content. Pornography is not just harmful to children. It's also harmful to adults, couples, and society in general, primarily for public health reasons. The consumption of this content has created a giant market that generates and promotes human trafficking, child smuggling and prostitution. 

That is why it is so important to limit as much as possible the access to pornography and that is why the ECLJ has been working on this issue for months.

Today we are proud to present you with our new report on this topic, that specifically addresses the issue of regulation: what are the options that States can implement to regulate access to pornography?

This report is outstanding because it summarizes as comprehensively as possible the IT tools available worldwide, the impact studies of such regulatory methods, and the scientific data proving the harmfulness of pornography.

You can download it freely here.

The ECLJ was invited to a conference at the European Parliament to present its report to Members of the Parliament. Here is the video of our new report's presentation (20'):

During the next months, the ECLJ will publish two other reports on pornography that will address other challenges arising from it.

The ECLJ will share these reports, meet representatives across Europe to raise awareness on the harmfulness of pornography and to prompt for regulation. It is high time to put an end to this scourge.

The fight against pornography is a matter of will. You can help us by sharing this report and video.

Sign our petition to support the ECLJ’s institutional action to fight against online pornography:

No to pornography !
Read the full text of the petition


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